Analisis Kerusakan Revetment Pada Pantai Wahakaim Di Dusun Wahakaim Negeri Aketarnate, Kecamatan Seram Utara Timur Seti
Ch. Joseph, M F Telussa, Tania Porsisa
Wahakaim Beach is a beach located at Wahakaim Village, Aketernate, East North Seram Subdistrict. To protect the beach and residential area, government had built the revetment. However, Due to the big waves cause the coastal protection structures suffered quite severe damage. Besides that, due to run off, its brought damage to residents houses. This research was conducted to find out the causes of damage to the revetment on Wahakaim beach and find any solutions to overcome the damage. The results showed that the breaking waves that occurred on Wahakaim beach were 2.500 m height (Hb), wave length (Lb) were 30.6 m and breaking wave depth (db) were 2.652m. Because of the big waves and strong stream of 3 m/s causes greater erosion, so the revetment is damaged faster. In addition, the carrying capacity of the soil which tends to be clay, makes erosion occur faster and the revetment is destroyed and causes overtopping. An alternative treatment that can be used is construct or build gaiters on the revetment
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