Perencanaan Dinding Penahan Tanah Pada Lereng Jalan Trans Seram Waipia – Saleman STA 20+400 Pulau Seram

Ade Victor Ginzel, Godfried Lewakabessy


On the Waipia - Saleman Road Section, at the point of STA 20 + 400, there was a land movement in the form of cladding which made part of the road covered by landslides caused by extreme weather and earthquakes with an avalanche length of up to 800 meters. By planning a retaining wall to calculate the stability of the retaining wall on the slopes of the Waipia - Saleman road so that the damage caused by soil movement can be minimized. Analyzing the stability of soil retaining walls used the Terzaghi method by calculating stability against sliding, stability against overturning and stability to soil carrying capacity. From the results of the analysis of the retaining wall planned in this study are Normal Conditions: SF sliding = 3.76 1.5, SF overturning = 5.78 1.5, Earthquake Condition: SF sliding = 1.52 1.5 , SF overturning = 3.74 1.5, Extreme Conditions: SF sliding = 2.15 1.5, SF overturning = 3.77 1.5. Retaining wall type Gravity Wall using masonry. With the dimensions of the retaining wall, the tread height is 1.5 meters, the foot or heel height is 0.5 meters, the bottom width is 0.9 meters, and the top width is 0.4 meters, the heel width is 0.4 meters, the foot width is 0.2 meters. The retaining wall design structure is safe against sliding forces and overturning forces.


landslide; wall stability; retaining wall

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