Analisa Saluran Drainase Terhadap Genangan Air Menggunakan Program EPA SWMM 5.1 Di Ruas Jalan Negeri Hative Kecil
Charles Johandersson Tiwery, Gabriela Saimima
Inundation occurs along the Hative Kecil Road Section due to the deposits that are deposited to be about the same height as the drainage canal and the lack of attention of residents to the garbage in the drainage canal. The purpose of this study is to analyze the capacity of drainage channels on the Piere Tendean Road section, Hative Kecil Country, Ambon City against the planned discharge generated by rain using the EPA SWMM 5.1 program and determine solutions to problems related to drainage at the site. The drainage channel evaluation process is carried out based on the existing conditions of the drainage channel and the factors that influence the occurrence of inundation, using modeling utilizing the EPA SWMM 5.1 program. The analysis is carried out using quantitative analysis, namely by hydrological analysis and hydraulics analysis where the data collected for the analysis process will be reviewed directly to the location. Hydrological analysis is carried out to obtain the design discharge. Meanwhile, hydraulics analysis is to determine the capacity of the drainage. The results of the analysis using the EPA SWMM 5.1 program showed that there were 2 channels that could not accommodate the plan discharge, namely on Channel 1 (C1) and the channel that went to the discharge or outfall, namely Channel 12 (C12). This is due to the inability of the drainage channel capacity to accommodate the intensity of rain, the inability of the drainage channel to accommodate the combined discharge and runoff, and the closure of the drainage channel by sedimentation and garbage. After reviewing the problems that exist in the drainage channel of Jalan Piere Tendean, Ambon City, the solution that can be taken is the cleaning of garbage and also sedimentation and the creation of a new channel from a width of 0.55 m and a height of 0.5 m and enlarged to a width of 0.6 m and a height of 0.8 m this is due to the inability of the channel to accommodate the discharge plan for the 5-year anniversary
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