Analisis Kinerja Ketidakberaturan Struktur Gedung Akibat Gempa Dengan Menggunakan Analisis Statik Ekivalen Dan Time History (Studi Kasus : Gedung Laboratorium Terpadu Pendukung Blok Masela)

Thobyhend J. M Sahureka, Vector Johannes, Marcheylla I Metubun


Multi-storey building structures that have irregularities are very vulnerable to earthquakes, so it is necessary to analyze the impact of earthquake loads on the structure's capabilities and irregularities in accordance with applicable regulations. The aim of this research is to determine the performance of building structural irregularities due to earthquakes using equivalent static analysis, to determine the performance of building structural irregularities due to earthquakes using time history analysis and to compare structural performance using these two methods. The data collection method used is a secondary data collection method in the form of structural plans, structural data such as dimensions of structural elements, concrete quality, steel quality and soil data and analyzed using the equivalent static analysis method and the time history method. The calculation process uses the SAP2000 v.22 software program. Reviewed using equivalent static analysis, the maximum displacement value due to the earthquake was 69,951 mm (x-direction) and 62,743 mm (y-direction). The maximum deviation ratio value between floors is 2.186% (x-direction) and 1.979% (y-direction). Meanwhile, if viewed using time history analysis, the maximum displacement value due to the earthquake was 16,437 mm (x-direction) and 27,899 mm (y-direction). The maximum deviation ratio value between floors is 0.540% (x-direction) and 0.927% (y-direction). From the results of reviewing the displacement values and deviations between floors using these two methods, it shows that structural analysis using the time history method is more realistic than equivalent static analysis


Structure performance; Structure building irregularities; Equivalent static; Time history

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