Analisa Kerusakan Jalan Dengan Menggunakan Metode PCI (Pavement Condition Index) Ruas Jalan Provinsi (Studi Kasus : Ruas Jalan Dusun Erie Sampai Desa Latuhalat, Kecamatan Nusaniwe, Kota Ambon STA 05+060 - 08+060)

Richrisna H Waas, Vemara M Matitaputty


On the Eri Hamlet Road Section to the Latuhalat Village Road Section, damage to the road was found which could interfere with the comfort of road users. Because the road section is the only road connecting Negeri Nusaniwe, Negeri Seilale, and Negeri Latuhalat to Ambon City. The area also has several beach tourist attractions and also agricultural products and sea catches. So that the purpose of this research is to find out the types of road damage and how much the level of damage to the Eri - Latuhalat Road Section with the PCI Method, as well as solutions to handling damage to the Eri - Latuhalat Road Section. The research method was carried out based on the analysis of the PCI method, namely a review of the location to obtain primary data in the form of segment measurements from STA 05+060-08+060, measuring the dimensions of damage in the form of length, width and depth and identifying the types and levels of road damage and documentation of pavement conditions. From the results of the research carried out, it was found that the types of damage were grain release, longitudinal and transverse cracks, holes, edge cracks, patches, waves, with an average PCI result value of 57.7. The handling solution according to the PCI method is routine maintenance. With handling P2 (Local Asphalt Resurfacing), P3 (Crack Resurfacing), P4 (Crack Filling), P5 (Hole Filling), P6 (Maintenance).


Road; Damage; Analysis; PCI Method

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