Potensi Mata Air Aer Babunyi Dan Rancangan Sistem Pipa Untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih Di Negeri Porto, Provinsi Maluku

Daniel F.W Sahertian, Warniyati ., Monica Rina Tutkey, Tri Octaviani Sihombin


The people of Negeri Porto in Central Maluku Regency have the problem of clean water which is not sufficient for their needs. There is a spring that has not been managed properly, namely the Aer Babunyi. The spring is 7 km far from the center of Negeri Porto, so it is necessary to find a solution so that the water is easily accessible to people, then plan a reservoir before distributing it to residential areas. In this research, water discharge measurements use the containment method, water quality testing in the laboratory, population projections use the least squares method, head loss analysis use the Hazen William equation. The results show that the spring water discharge is 0.96 l/sec while it quality meets physical, chemical and microbiological standards. The average daily requirement (Qr) is 1,631 l/sec, the maximum daily requirement is 1,957 l/sec, and the peak daily requirement is 3,424 l/sec. The spring discharge is able to meet 28% of water demand of Porto’s people. Planning a pipeline network with a length of 1631.97 m, using a pump with a head of 58 m, pump operating time is 6 hours, pump capacity is 0.230 l/sec, and pump power is 2500 watts. The dimension of reservoir are 5mx5mx3.5m.


water demand; springs; head loss; pump capacity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.51135/manumatav9i2p138-146


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