Pemanfaatan Material Agregat Halus dan Agregat Kasar Quarry Pesisir Pantai Amahusu Sebagai Bahan Campuran Beton Normal
Suryanto Intan, A Sakliressy
Concrete is currently a construction material commonly used in infrastructure development. In general, concrete is a mixture of water, cement, fine aggregate. This research aims to determine the characteristics of the fine and coarse aggregates of the Coastal Quarry (Amahusu) that meet the requirements for use as concrete making materials and to determine the mechanical properties of compressive strength of concrete using aggregates in the Coastal Quarry (Amahusu). In this research, an experimental method was used, namely the researcher directly took the required data. Based on research results related to testing aggregate characteristics and concrete mix design using SNI 03-2834-2000, the design compressive strength f'c is 16.9 MPa. The results of research on fine aggregate characteristics obtained Wv 1.27gr/cm3, BJAH 2.55, WA 3.74%, WC 4.88%, MHB 2.12, C 0.90% and light yellow organic content. For coarse aggregate Wv 1.58gr/cm3, BJAH 2.43, WA 2.60%, WC 3.82%, MHB 7.30, C 0.10%. Mix Design for concrete compressive strength f'c 16.9 MPa: Cement 425 kg, Sand 590 kg, Gravel 1050 kg Water 195 Kg. Mechanical properties Results of concrete compressive strength at 3 days for normal concrete 11.55 MPa, at age 7 days for normal concrete 17.90 MPa, at 14 days for normal concrete 21.60 MPa. The result of the compressive strength of concrete at 28 days was 23.40 MPa, using Amahusu Village Coastal Quarry Material which met the planned compressive strength, namely f'c 16.9 MPa
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