Analisa Sumur Resapan Untuk Mengatasi Limpasan Permukaan Akibat Hujan Di Dusun Sion Kecamatan Amahai, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah

Dian Leatemia, Charles Johansdersson Tiwery


Land use change affects the ability of land to absorb water. Regional characteristics that affect the share of rainwater include topography, soil type, and land use or cover, in this case the physical characteristics of the environment affect the hydrological response. Critical land in the area of Sion Hamlet, Amahai District, Central Maluku Regency causes flooding in the rainy season because rainwater has not been able to penetrate the ground maximally because changes in land use from green open land to residential areas are not balanced by making adequate drainage channels. Rainwater becomes surface runoff that overflows on roads and also puddles around settlements. To reduce the risk of inundation and flooding, a water catchment area is needed. Therefore, the infiltration well method is used, one of which aims to shorten the flow of water to the nearest river. Based on the research results, the amount of runoff discharge on the surface of Sion Hamlet for an annual return period of 10 years, area Q = 1,653 m3 / second, for the dimensions of infiltration wells, the annual return period is 10 years. with a diameter of infiltration wells = 1.00 m, water level in the well = 2.00 m, so that the infiltration volume for 1 infiltration well = 1.57 m3 and for the number of infiltration wells based on the limited area, infiltration wells are obtained = 177 units, and for the total volume of water collected on the ground / SRAH in residential areas is 1552.29 m3


Flow Coefficient; Infiltration Well; Rain Intensity

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