Analisis Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Dengan Metode Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan (MDP 2017) Pada Ruas Jalan Desa Kowatu - Desa Ramberu, Kecamatan Inamosol, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat

Theodorus Lerich Manuputty, Vemara Marcha Matitaputty, N Paulus


The highway is a path that aims to pass traffic from one place to another. Roads function as one of the land transportation infrastructure that is very influential on everyday human life. Roads are used to support activities and are used to connect one location with other locations that are usually passed. The condition of the road on Jalan Kowatu - Ramberu does not yet have a pavement, or is still said to be a dirt road. The road has a length of 2 Km. The road is used as a transportation facility for the two villages, but with the condition of the road that does not yet have a pavement, it is quite disturbing community activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the thickness of flexible pavement on the Kowatu - Ramberu road section, using the Road Pavement Design Manual (MDP 2017) as a reference. According to the results of the study, the number of vehicles that passed for 7 days was 485 vehicles, consisting of motorized vehicles, up to 2-axis heavy trucks. Then the average CBR value of the subgrade of Jalan Kawatu - Ramberu obtained through testing with the DCP tool was 14.04%. The results of the pavement thickness planning using the Road Pavement Design Manual method (MDP 2017), there are 2 alternative pavements that can be used, namely, AC-WC 50 mm, LPA 300 mm for AC-WC pavement. Then the second alternative is to use HRS-WC, namely HRS-WC 50 mm, LPA 300 mm


Thickness; Layers; Pavement; Flexibility; MDP 2017

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