Perbandingan Kuat Tekan Beton Dengan Menggunakan Agregat Sungai Desa Tepa Dan Pantai Wati Desa Yatoke Di Pulau Babar

Lukas Mose, V Johannes, Th J. M Sahureka


Concrete is obtained by mixing Portland cement, water, aggregate. Tepa Village river and Wati beach Yatoke Village are widely used by the community and local government for construction. This study aims to determine the aggregate characteristics, design Mix Formula, f'c 22.5 MPa and the results of the comparison of the compressive strength of concrete using river aggregates in Tepa Village and Wati Beach in Yatoke Village based on SNI 7656: 2012.  Natural fine aggregate and natural coarse aggregate were taken from the river Tepa Village and Wati Beach Yatoke Village using cement conch. Data analysis using experimental method. DMF (desing mix formula) uses SNI 7656: 2012, regarding the procedure for selecting mixtures for normal concrete, heavy concrete and mass concrete. The results of testing the fine aggregate characteristics of the Tepa Village river: Wv = 1.29 gr/cm3, BJSSD = 2.55 gr/cm3, WC = 5.89 %, FM = 3.62%, SC = 2.5%, Absorption = 3.31%, organic content, reddish yellow. Wati beach fine aggregate in Yatoke Village : Wv = 1.29 gr/cm3, BJSSD = 2.58 gr/cm3, WC = 2.93%, FM = 3.79 %, Sc = 1.1%, absorption = 2, 88%, light yellow organic content. The results of the coarse aggregate characteristics of the Tepa Village river: Wv = 1.51 gr/cm3, BJSSD = 2.63 gr/cm3, WC = 1.99 %, FM = 6.99%, Sc = 0.75%, Absorption = 2 ,25% Abrasion = 30.06%. Characteristics of coarse aggregate of Wati beach in Yatoke Village: Wv = 1.54 gr/cm3, BJSSD = 2.61 gr/cm3, WC = 2.05%, FM = 6.39%, Sc = 0.65%, Absorption = 2 ,51%, Abrasion = 19.12%. Design Mix Formula for the design concrete quality f'c 22.5 MPa Tepa Village river aggregate obtained: Cement = 394 kg, Sand = 886 kg, Natural Gravel Stone = 909 kg, water = 174 kg. Wati beach aggregate in Yatoke Village obtained: Cement = 394 kg, Sand = 878 kg, Natural Gravel Stone = 896 kg, water = 197 kg. The results of the comparison of the 28-day concrete compressive strength are: river aggregate in Tepa Village = 100.09%, Wati beach aggregate in Yatoke Village = 117.20%.


Aggregate; Mix Design; Compressive Strength

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