
This study aims to analyze; (1) employee work culture, (2) employee work motivation,
(3) work culture relationship with employee motivation. The population of this study were all
employees at the Maluku Provincial BKKBN Representative Office, amounting to 115 people.
The number of samples is based on the table developed by Issac and Michael, ie if the
population is 115 people, with an error rate of 5%, then the total sample of 83 people is
determined at randomly simple. The analysis used is chi square analysis. The results showed
that; (1) Work culture with attitude indicators is a happy, sincere and responsible attitude
towards work and shows friendly and polite attitude; (2) High employee motivation is shown
by employees working earnestly and responsibly and having motives for meeting economic
needs, improving welfare, improving careers and rewards, and having clear hopes and desires
towards increasing incentives and (3) Cultural variables work which includes attitudes,
behavior and discipline is positively related to employee motivation in the form of motives,
hopes, needs and incentives.


motivation, work culture

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.38012/jb.v3i2.482


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Rido Latuheru

Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

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